"A casual drinker's guide to life, liberty, and the pursuit of beer."
R.I.P. Jack's Pumpkin Spice
Very sad news for me this weekend as my search for a case of Michelob's Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale, my favorite beer of the fall, proved fruitless as I learned that Busch has ceased production on it and the rest of Michelob's craft line (save Beach Bum Summer Blonde.)
I'll always be an apologist for you, Anheuser-Busch, but today you made me cry a little.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin
The Moose Matt "The Moose" Michaylo has never said no to a good time or a good beer, and quite often the two go hand in hand. His love of Bud Light has been the catalyst for many a wild and crazy night.
NT3 Neil Trama III has never met a beer he didn't like...well, OK, maybe a couple. He's always on the lookout for new beers to try and new places to drink them.
Our Favorite Beers
Moose's Favorites 1. Bud Light 2. Magic Hat #9 3. Sam Adams Summer 4. Dunedin Apricot Peach
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