Mortal Sins of Drinking: Part 1 of Many

There are countless party fouls, social faux pas, and all around no-no's that must be avoided when you're out with your friends or out in any general, social setting. There are certain things people sometimes do that will not only irritate others, but turn them off completely. There are other things that people do that can end friendships. I've seen it friends, oh I've seen it.

Now, depending on your social circle, perhaps the first sin has led to the break up of a friendship, and that sin, is of course, Piking Your Drink.

Yes, we have all heard of the term 'peer pressure' since we have been 10 years old. And yes, I know not everyone loves the taste of an alcoholic beverage, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and there are a lot of people who don't drink, and more power to you, seriously. But what gets me is when someone will get a drink and...wait for it...NOT DRINK IT, and even worse, get rid of it secretly(you definitely know what I mean too). I'm not talking about when you are absolutely wasted and somehow end up with 3 beers in your hand and put 1 down and forget about it(that's more a venial sin of drinking), I am referring to when you are having a few Bud Light's or whatever your beer of choice is, and you open one, don't finish, open one, don't finish, etc. perhaps in an effort to "fit in" or "keep up" with others. This could be an extremely tough thing to remember too, but don't be a hero, drink what you're comfortable drinking, your body will thank you...and trust me, I have been on the other side of this, so I'm speaking from experience.

To the true beer aficionado, there are fewer things more saddening and depressing than seeing an open, 3/4 full beer sitting warm on the table at the end of the night. Now, a few years ago, it wouldn't surprise me if I went to a party(college/high school) and saw someone pour their beer out, hide it behind a plant, the usual kid tricks. Just this past St. Patrick's Day in Hoboken, myself and another friend of mine nearly lost it because as we were cleaning up, we found about 8-10 nearly full beers-beers we could have drank, beers that could have not went to waste. Why waste them, it's literally like throwing money down the drain. I was this close to shedding a tear as we were pouring out warm beers. What's even worse is after this, we looked into the fridge, and there was no beer left, so we had to find a place open late to refuel ourselves. Alright, I'm getting worked up here thinking about it, so I'll digress.

So friends, don't waste your drink, there are millions of thirsty people out there who'd love to have a frosty cold brew-if you're not going to drink it, don't open it, don't buy it for the rest of us.

Mortal Sin of Drinking #1: Piking Your Drink

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